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A member registered Nov 10, 2017

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(1 edit)

Ok that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for clearing that up!

(1 edit)

First of all, thanks for your response!

You make a good point, the xbox controller + DK2 is way outdated and there are very few people who use it,  but as far as I can tell, the motion controllers only function is to select menu items on start up.

Unless the motion controllers are used in conjunction with the positional tracking I don't see why there isn't at least a text file or equivalent that I can edit to change the settings and start the game. As of right now all I can do is run around the void with floating menu options.

Nimso plz

I really really want to play this on my DK2, but I don't have motion controllers. Is there any way to select the menu items to get into the game with just an xbox controller?